Week 6 Story: The Fly and the Lion

The Fly and the Lion

Once upon a time, in a jungle that was much more peaceful and much larger than the jungle today, the lion was still the King of the jungle. The lion ruled over everyone and believed he was better than every other animal that also lived in the jungle.
The flies became tired of hearing the lions brag about how good they were all the time, so one day two flies approached a lion and said "we are better than you."
The lion began to laugh at such a preposterous comment, how could anyone believe they were better than a lion?
"We will prove it to you!" said the flies. "Fine" agreed the lion, but you both are only waisting your time and mine.
"I propose a race, whoever can get from this side of the jungle all the way to the opposite side by the waterfall wins."
"Sounds good." the flies agreed.
This would be the longest race in the history of the jungle, running to the complete opposite side was unheard of, but the lion was so arrogant he believed he could do it.
The lion took off, he was determined to win and prove, once again, that he and his lion friends are superior to everyone else. He ran for as long as he could, hours had gone by and as soon as the sun began to go down the lion finally arrived to the waterfall on the other side of the jungle. When he arrived he saw two flies waiting by the waterfall and he immediately fell to the ground from exhaustion and died because his body was incapable of making a journey like that with that kind of speed.
Little did the lion know, the flies never raced, the flies he saw at the waterfall were already there. This is why everywhere you go there are flies. They are the most prominent and have the highest population of any other animal.

Author's Note: I wrote my story based on "The Elephant and the Ants," in that story they used an elephant and ants and it also entailed a race that the elephant did not survive. They did not race to a particular spot, like in my story, but continued to race over and over and every time the elephant looked down he saw ants because they are everywhere. Just like in my story, the ants never raced but knew that no matter where the elephant was to run to there would be ants there.

Bibliography: "The Elephant and the Ants" By: Cecil Henry Bompas 


  1. Hi, Paige! I really enjoyed reading your story and seeing how you decided to put your own spin on a classic tale! I have never read the original story that yours was based off of, but just by reading your author's note I am able to tell that you did a great job in keeping the two stories similar without making them the exact same. I was sad to read in the author's note and in your story that the main character did not survive, seeing as how I am a huge animal lover. But, I do like how this story was able to prove a point that just because you think you are the best, there are still others who could be better. I do wonder what would have happened if the lion had refused to race? Or if he had even began to grow annoyed with the flies and decided to eat them. Overall, I really enjoyed your story and I hope you have a great semester!

  2. Hi Paige! I liked that you changed the animals in your story from the original story. Elephants are my favorite animal, so I don't think I would have liked reading about an elephant dying like in the original story. I appreciated that you kept the original message that someone shouldn't be too confident in themselves just because they think they are the best.

  3. Hey Paige! Your story is truly unique because of the character change as well. I think it is very cool that you brought your own twist (and made it more difficult than changing the narration style) to make the story yours. The idea of giving the animals different characteristics is also intriguing because it provides a depth that when left out would be awkward.

  4. Hey Paige,
    This is a cool retelling of the original! I like that the story starts out looking like a contest of might but the lion is defeated by wit instead. This reminds me of one of the other stories I read where one animal and his brother decided they were going to trick another in a race. In that story one brother started the race while one hid at the end so that when the other animal got there it looked like the first brother had beaten him. I think it is cool that similar stories show up in different parts of the world. I look forward to reading more of your work as we wrap up the semester!


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