Introduction to me

My name is Paige Phillips, Im 21 and I am currently a senior here at OU. Im from Tulsa, Oklahoma and I always knew that I wanted to come to OU. I am the youngest of two brothers and I have two amazing parents. I also have a wiener dog named oscar, he is the best dog ever if I do say so myself. My major is criminology with a minor in social justice, I plan on going to law school this next Fall. I love my major and one day I hope to be a prosecutor for the child crisis unit. This past summer I had an internship with a law firm and I absolutely loved it, I am extremely exited for my future career. I am a member of Delta Delta Delta and have made some amazing friends through the greek experience. In my spare time I like to hangout with my friends and occasionally go see movies. In the future I would also like to travel to Greece, it is on my bucket list to go there some day. I think Greece is one of the most beautiful countries. Another fact about me is that I love Chinese food,  it has always been my favorite food. Im really looking forward to my senior year and all that it will entail and I know I will be learning a lot. I am a huge football fan so the fall semester is definitely my favorite. Those are just a couple things about me.

A personal photo I took of my dog, Oscar.


  1. Hi again, Paige: I commented on your Indian Epics introduction... and it was fun to see Oscar again here. Oh, something specific about Myth-Folklore: Weeks 3 and 4 have reading options from ancient Greece as part of the classical reading. It's not the same as being able to actually travel to Greece... but imaginary journeys can be fun too! :-)

  2. Hi Paige! I love your major/minor combination! I think your aspiration to be a child crisis unit prosecutor is really cool as well! How was your law firm internship? I am pre-law as well and extremely nervous about trying to intern in the next few years before or during law school. What were some of your favorite criminology classes? Right now I am in Christopher Hill's Criminology and we are watching a movie that aligns with each of the major criminological theories we are going over (Like 1944's Double Indemnity paired with Rational Choice theory) and it has got me interested in taking more sociology or criminology classes!
    Have a good weekend!

  3. Hello Paige!
    Oscar is such a cute dog!
    I love that you are a criminology/social justice major. That sounds like it is really fun and interesting to study.
    Greece is also one of my bucket list destinations and has been since I was a kid. I want to spend some time there someday and I cannot wait to get to see it all in person instead of through a phone screen!
    Hope all goes well with law school next year! Have a great semester!

  4. Hey Paige!
    It sounds like you set yourself up with a great major/minor combination to get into law school and continue into the kind of work you're looking at! My family has fostered a handful of kids over the years so I can't imagine working in child crisis prosecution. I too have heard Greece is beautiful. Some friends of mine are traveling there next year so I'll be looking forward to hearing about how great it is!
    Also, Oscar looks like an awesome dog.
    Hope you have a great semester!

  5. Hi Paige! I have always wanted to go to Greece. Photos of it are just beautiful and I can only imagine what it’s like in person! I am also in a sorority, right across the street actually (Pi Beta Phi)! I’m glad you’ve had a good time and made some great friends! Law school will be a great exeprience. I have a friend that’s in law school at OU currently and she loves it!

  6. Hi Paige! Whenever I think of Greece I think of 'The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants' because one of the characters go to Greece and it was so beautiful! The water is such a pure, crystal blue! I am also a senior and applying for medical schools entering in Fall 2019! I wish you the best with attending law school and I think your career choice is really amazing!

  7. Criminology is such an interesting major, I think more and more people are becoming interested in what makes a criminal a criminal. From sociological standpoint, it's really interesting. My mother is a judge now, but she used to prosecute Family Violence crimes in Dallas (where I'm from). The work that you want to do is super important, she used to tell us stories from work and to be honest, there can never be enough people working to protect kids.
    On a lighter note, I took a brief side trip to Athens while I was studying in France last semester, and you're right to put Greece on your bucket list. It's kind of expensive to get there, but once you're there, everything is affordable and there's history around every corner.
    Also, your dog is adorable and Chinese food is hands-down the best cuisine.

  8. Hi Paige! Nice to “meet” you. First of all, I love Oscar! I used to have a wiener dog and I think they’re the best. Your future goal of serving as a prosecutor for the child crisis unit is very admirable. It is very special and important work. I wish you the best of luck getting into law school and with your future career!

  9. Hi, Paige! I am also majoring in Criminology! I love meeting Criminology majors because I only know a handful of them (I am very shy, so I don't tend to reach out to others in class 🙈). I am thinking about going to Law school after graduation. I currently work at a law office in Norman, which is why I have an interest in wanting to pursue that career. What law office did you intern with, I'm curious if it is one of the firms we work with? I had an internship this summer with the Mabel Bassett Correctional Center, it's a women's prison in McLoud. A lot of those women shared some heartbreaking stories. The experience was like nothing else; it gave me a stronger motivation to further my education so that I can be in a position to help people who are incarcerated. I hope you enjoy your school year and good luck with all your endeavors!

  10. Hi Paige! I may not be in the same major as you but it looks like your going to do great.My major is mathematics. It is also cool that you want to visit Greece one day. I hope to travel the world one day and Greece would be one of the places i would stop and visit. Also, I love Chinese food to.

  11. Hi Paige! Your dog Oscar is so cute! I have a dog of my own staying up in Norman with me as well, his name is Benji and he definitely makes my college experience better. I think it is interesting that you want to travel to Greece! I hope that you get to, I personally love traveling myself. It was good to meet you and I hope you have a great rest of your semester!

  12. Hey Paige! I understand the love of Chinese food that you have, I could honestly eat it every meal of the day myself. I always miss the local restaurants from back home whenever I'm at school. Criminology is such a fun topic to study, I took a class on it last spring and definitely enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would! It's awesome that you have interest in it. Good luck with law school next fall, and with the rest of your semester!

  13. Hi Paige! I’m glad to see you’re in this class! I hope you’re doing well! I really love your major contribution. When I was young, I wanted to be a detective working for abused and neglected children. That career path is not an easy one so I really applaud you and your courage to pursue this career. I also want to visit Greece because it looks so incredibly beautiful. Thanks for sharing!

  14. Hi Paige! My name is Maria and I'm a senior here too. I love your dog. I've always been a dog person and I actually have two German Shepherds, Athena and Sampson. I'm a military brat and have a lot of travel experience so I understand the wanderlust feeling. Greece is somewhere I've always wanted to go too. I hope you are having a great semester!

  15. Hi Paige! I always love seeing pictures of peoples' dogs on here... yours is so cute! A few years ago, I traveled around Europe with my dad and one of the countries we visited was Greece! We stayed in Athens and Mykonos. It was really cool to see the Acropolis and Parthenon, and it was interesting to see old ruins in an urban city. Hope you've been enjoying the football games so far!

  16. Hello Paige!

    I love that your heart is for the innocent children and that you want to make the world a better place, that in itself would have made you one of my favorite people but you dropped a picture of your dog and now I am completely won over! Also, you must really be enjoying this season of Football, our boys are really getting those Ws. Anyway, I am super excited to read more of your blog and keep up with your stories in the class!

  17. Hi Paige,
    I noticed you said you're a huge football fan and today is the day after OU/Texas so I have to say...I'm so sorry. I know next to nothing about criminology, but I'm glad that you enjoy it. Your career goals sound really admirable, so I wish you the best of luck with your senior year and with law school.

  18. Hi Paige! Oscar is so cute! Weiner dogs are some of the best dogs. I think that it is really cool that you want to go to law school next Fall. Studying law seems really difficult but extremely rewarding, especially when being a prosecutor for the child crisis unit. Your future goals are really great and there should be more people like you that want to help children! Greece does seem like a really fun place to travel to. Thanks for sharing!

  19. Hi Paige,

    I'm also a senior and also 21! I think it's awesome that you're a criminology major. I'm actually getting a minor in that category, along with my math major, and graduating in May! I've always loved the criminal justice courses at OU, and am really glad they added the minor for it recently, because I only need 2 more courses and now I get that as well! Good luck in your semester!

  20. Hey Paige!
    I just read your story about the elephant and the wolf so I decided to pop over here and "introduce" myself. That is great that you like your major so well and are excited for your career! I have a couple friends that have gone to law school and I think it is really amazing. I am also a senior, but I am not that into football. Honestly, I wish I was because so many people like it so much, but I have just never been big into sports. I hope that you have a great year and I look forward to reading more of your stories.

  21. Hi there Paige! Your dog is absolutely adorable. What occasion was happening that caused him to be dressed so fancy? It's awesome! I am also a senior student and I wish you the best of luck with finishing up your undergraduate degree! What's it like to have an internship with a law firm? I have many friends in many degree fields but I don't have any doing social justice or criminology, so it's fascinating to me to hear about yours. I'm glad they were all awesome experiences and you seem to want to do some great things with your degree in the future. Hope you finish out the semester strong c:

  22. Hey Paige!
    I hope this semester has gone well for you! I also want to go to law but I am majoring in political science. It's nice to see another law hopeful in this class! I also love football too! My wife and I are at most games! Good luck with next semester and also with future law! Boomer Sooner!

  23. Oscar is too precious for words!!! My sister has a little dachshund and he's the best dog ever. We have a long and venerable tradition of decorating our dogs' collars as well with Christmas bows, and it's a nice reminder of home to see proud Oscar with his red bow.

    Your internship sounds amazing; I regret not exploring similar opportunities myself, but this is now the end of Senior year for me and it's a little late. Happy finals, and good luck!


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