Week 15 Story: The Three Seamstresses

Once upon a time there was a mother and daughter. The mother had become very angry with her daughter because her daughter was very lazy. The daughter was supposed to be a seamstress but instead of doing her daily work she laid around. The mother was so frustrated with her lazy daughter that one day she began to beat her and the daughter wailed after each hit. While the mother continued to beat her and the daughter continued to cry the Queen walked by. She had heard the crying and decided to stop into their home to see what the problem was. When she arrived the mother could not bear to tell the Queen of her daughter's laziness so instead she told her that her daughter would not stop working. She lied and said that instead of lying around her daughter chose to sew all day long and she could not stop her. The Queen was amazed by this and told the daughter that if she were to come to her castle and sew all of her dresses and the rest of her clothes that she would let her marry her son. The mother thought this was a great idea but also was worried because she knew what she had said was a lie. In that moment the Queen took the daughter back to the castle. When they arrived the Queen showed her three separate rooms that contained hundreds of yards of fabric to be sewn. The Queen said that once she had finished all three rooms she could marry her son. The Queen left and the daughter began to panic because she knew nothing about sewing. Days went on and the Queen became suspicious of her and continued to ask why nothing had been done. She constantly came up with lies about why she had yet to start sewing but eventually she knew she needed to come up with a plan. One day she was looking out her bedroom window and saw three women walking by the castle. She recognized these women because she knew them from the local seamstress shop. She called out to them and snuck them into the castle. She proposed that if they were to help her that she would forever be indebted to them. The three seamstresses agreed and asked that in return they would all be invited to the wedding and gifted with $10,000. The daughter was so desperate she agreed. After four days the seamstresses finished their work and the Queen was delighted. She loved all of her new clothes and set the wedding to be that next week. As promised the women were invited to the wedding and all gifted with their money. The daughter never had to pretend to sew again.

Author's Note: I went off of the story "The Three Spinsters." My story is similar but in the original it is about spinsters who spin yarn. A mother was upset that her daughter was so lazy and would not spin like she was supposed to. A queen promised the daughter her son if she were to come and spin all of her yarn in three different rooms. The daughter panicked because she did not know how to spin but found three women to do it for her. These women asked her to invite them to the wedding as her cousins and to treat them as her family. The daughter did this and never had to spin again.
Bibliography: "The Three Spinsters" By: Lucy Crane


  1. Hey Paige!
    Good job with the story! I like how you stayed close to the original but still changed it to make it your own! I thought it was interesting that even though the daughter was lazy, it still paid off for her. She only had to panic a short while and then she found a way out of it. Great story!

  2. Hi Paige!

    I really enjoyed this story - I love a good con job, and even though the mother didn't intend to trick anybody, no one suffered as a result. I've actually never heard of this story before but I'm going to check out the original now, your treatment was great!

    The only thing that stuck out to me while reading it was the "wall of text" effect. Maybe breaking up the story into a few paragraphs could segment things out a little bit (it definitely makes it easier to read on a computer screen for me). Great job, and happy finals!

  3. Hi Paige! I like how your story has a similar yet slightly different feel than the original by changing yarn to fabric. I do not the ending of the original story, but I like that by using fabric, the Queen gets something out of having the girl sew the fabric. I think it goes more validity to her giving the girl the task.


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