Week 11 Story: Why the Dog's Tail Goes Between Their Legs

Why the Dog's Tail Goes Between Their Legs

Many years ago, before dog came to live with man, a dog had ears that stuck up to the sky and a tail that pointed straight up. This is how the dog was always known to look; strong and sturdy. One night a dog was wondering around the forest searching for food, he was starving and hadn't eaten in three days. The dog came upon a village, he saw the men roasting their meat and saw the women preparing other delicious looking foods. The dog was desperate and was willing to do anything to eat. He approached the man and kindly asked for a portion of their meat. The man immediately began to laugh and shooed the dog away. But he was starving, he proposed that if they were to give him food he would be their most loyal companion and protector. The man took a minute, but agreed. The dog became man's best friend, he went everywhere with man and the man fed him as promised. Many days went on like this, the dog and the man were as happy as can be.

One day the dog's old friends came to the village from the forest, they saw how happy he was with man but they did not have good intentions. The dogs talked to him and asked him about his new life but while he was distracted the other dogs were stealing meat from the village. When the dog noticed he became furious but there were too many for him to fight. Man came out of his house and began yelling at the dog, the dogs ears went back and his tail tucked. From that day on when a dog gets in trouble his tail tucks under his body.

Author's Note: In the story I based this off of they seek out to explain why dogs have floppy ears. They also described the dog as the man's protector rather than his companion. I chose to write about this story because I love dogs and it makes me so sad to see a dog with it's tail tucked and ears back. This story is fun because it sets out to explain why the dog is the way it is today.

Bibliography: "Why the Dog's Ears Flop" By: Florence Stratton


  1. As a dog-lover, I loved your story! I thought it was very interesting how you said dogs used to be depicted in such a robust, upright position. I really liked how well the story explained the origin of how dogs came to start tucking their ears back putting their tails between their legs. It was so cute!

  2. I think this story was really cute, even though it seems kind of sad at the end. You did a really good job of keeping it concise but still having a clear plot and descriptive language. I really struggle with length with my own stories (they always turn out too long) so I am really impressed with you ability to do a lot story-wise without going overboard with the words. Good story!

  3. Hey there Paige! I love when people do animal adaptations for stories so I was excited to read yours! Something that I like to recommend to everyone when reading their stories is to try Grammarly! It helps with any potential spelling mistakes or word mix-ups that we don't usually catch and it has a great integration with Blogger! As a student, you get to use premium for free and it would be really helpful to your writing c:

  4. Hi Paige!

    I enjoyed reading your dog story. I like how you describe the dog before he meets the man. I also thought it was cool how the two could communicate with each other. Why dog and man can no longer communicate with each other seems like it could be another spin-off story. I thought it would be interesting to know more about the dog's friends; maybe more about how jealous they are or how they came up with their plan to trick the dog and steal the food.


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