
Showing posts from September, 2018

Week 6 Story: The Fly and the Lion

The Fly and the Lion Once upon a time, in a jungle that was much more peaceful and much larger than the jungle today, the lion was still the King of the jungle. The lion ruled over everyone and believed he was better than every other animal that also lived in the jungle. The flies became tired of hearing the lions brag about how good they were all the time, so one day two flies approached a lion and said "we are better than you." The lion began to laugh at such a preposterous comment, how could anyone believe they were better than a lion? "We will prove it to you!" said the flies. "Fine" agreed the lion, but you both are only waisting your time and mine. "I propose a race, whoever can get from this side of the jungle all the way to the opposite side by the waterfall wins." "Sounds good." the flies agreed. This would be the longest race in the history of the jungle, running to the complete opposite side was unheard of, but the li

Reading Post: The Elephant and the Ants, Part B

The Elephant and the Ants By: Cecil Henry Bompas begins by giving the setting introduces two main groups introduces the problem between the groups uses dialogue between both introduces the challege involves trickery the ants tricked the elephant one group fails the challenge explains why there are so many ants these days ends with a reason for the outcome  ends with reason from God Elephant

Reading A: The Monkey and the Girl

The Monkey and the Girl By: Cecil Henry Bompas begins by giving the setting introduces characters introduces main character, the hanuman introduces to problem for the monkey introduces main girl discusses her thoughts monkey is killed uses analogies detailed actions trickery young girl does what she planned to do ends abruptly describes emotions of other characters A Hanuman .

Week 5 Story: How the Turtle Got It's Shell

This story is now in my portfolio . How the Turtle Got It's Shell Once upon a time, in a forest filled with all of the animals, there lived a small colony of turtles. These turtles lived a happy and peaceful life, for the most part. The turtles were kind and there were few animals in the forest who did not like the turtles. But, there was one animal that the turtles did not like, the bear. The bears in the forest thought the turtles were the best snack in all of the forest, so the turtles were constantly in fear of being eaten by a bear. One day the turtles had had enough, they no longer wanted to live in fear and they were determined to whatever it took to save themselves. The leader of the turtle colony decided that he had no other option than to go and visit the forest god. "Please Forest God, I need your help, all of my family and friends are being eaten" pleaded the turtle. The Forest God was known for helping when she was asked, but every wish she granted

Reading Notes: How the Tiger Got His Strength, Reading B

How the Tiger Got His Strength By: Mrs. K. U. Rafy begins by referring to the past states the problem that leads to the conclusion refers to gods that helped solve the problem reads as a novel the solution starts to be put into place a new problem arises both characters use their quality they were given the tiger, using his gift, decides he wants the strength the tiger tricks the god in order to gain strength uses imagery to describe his strength the tiger believed he had overcome the man dialogue to express confusion among the man the tiger received what he wanted but the man received a gift that is far more dangerous irony ends with how hunting began A Strong Tiger

Reading Notes: How the Dog Came to Live with Man, Reading A

How the Dog Came to Live with Man by: Mrs. K. U. Rafy begins by talking about the past  uses imagery for the setting talks about event in the past written in a novel form introduces the story that is going to be told refers to the beginning of the story where it talked about the event discusses tradition writes from the point of view of the dog describes senses of the dog first interaction is described the dog immediately gets along with humans the dog solves his predicament by finding a product for the event mentions customs describes dogs emotions and thoughts he goes to the event with his good others did not react well to his food describes other animals emotions the dog disagrees with the other animals the dog becomes angry at all the other animals and leaves them describing his actions and emotions of anger climax happens which leads the dog to find humans reconnects with humans the man joins the side of the dog they unite together discusses the ironic

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My Portfolio .

Reading Notes: Jewish Fairy Tales, Reading B

The Fairy Frog By: Gertrude Landa begins by introducing the characters the characters speak to each other through dialogue references specific mourning duties the father commands the son to do as he says the son obeyed what his father told him to do new character arrives that sells something to the son the son followed his fathers rules to receive good fortune the son obtained a frog the son and his wife tended to the frog describes their emotions and thoughts as to what is going on the animal speaks as the wife falls into sadness the frog obeys the fathers wishes  the frog ended up to be good to the son and give them good fortune detailed setting of the next scene the frog repaid the couple by giving them gifts from all the frog talks to the couple the frog reveals his true identity  frog leaves  the couple ended up living in wealth and happiness as the father had said all was happy and true Frog leading the couple into the woods

Reading Notes: Women Saints, Reading A

Saint Mary of Egypt By: F. S. Ellis begins by giving background of her life introduces another character the two characters come into contact with one another describes detailed setting details of clothing dialogue between the characters references to God and the cross the saint faces a challenge and discusses how she ended up where she is now enters a journey for specific reasons detailed description of her hourney prays to God constantly and repents the other guy was her prayer to save her a miracle happens another time passes the saint dies doing her Godly duty buried properly supernatural thing occurs the other character was rewarded for doing what the saint said he lives a happy life of God Saint Mary of Egypt

Feedback Strategies

Reading the feedback gallery was extremely helpful and gave me some exact ideas and examples of the kind of feedback I need to be giving to be the most productive. When reading " Five reasons to Stop Saying Good Job " it was very interesting to see the ways that good job can provide manipulation to young children. I had never thought about the ways that when we give compliments it sometimes for our own self rather than the person that is doing the good deed. Also telling someone "good job" can make someone feel as if they succeeded even if in their mind they did not. When I read " Why Do So Many Managers Avoid Giving Praise " I understood that many managers struggle with giving feedback at all because sometimes giving negative feedback can be difficult but many do not realize that positive feedback creates many positive outcomes. Many times the idea of corrective feedback is overestimated, only negative feedback leads to a diminishing effectiveness. The mo

Topic Research: The Women of Camelot

Queen Guinevere : discuss her life with King Arthur discuss her affair with Lancelot talk about her family and home life when King Arthur discovers the affair her kidnapping Queen Guinevere Morgause : affair with King Arthur birth of her child with King Arthur fights with Queen Guinevere life with King Lot, her husband talk about her daughters Iseult : life with Mark of Cornwall Affair with Tristan talk about her love drama with her husband and lover her life as a princess growing up

Week 3 Story: The Eagle and Her Human Son

This story is now in my portfolio. Portfolio . The Eagle and Her Human Son Once upon a time, there was a small village that lived just on the outskirts of a large forest. This small village was the home to many humans, while the forest was home to hundreds of animals. One day some other villagers came to the village and began to burn down the whole village. In the wake of this incident, all of the villagers had to flee to avoid dying. In the midst of the crisis, there was something very special left behind. A young Eagle mother was flying above watching the horrible event take place and after all the people had vacated she decided to get closer and check out the scene to look for leftover food for her children. As she was scavenging around she began to hear a sound, but it was unlike an other animal sound she had heard. She followed the sound and to her surprise, found a very small baby boy that had been left behind in the flee. The eagle was unsure what she was to do, but being

Reading Notes: The Wolf Mother of Saint Ailbe, Reading B

The Wolf Mother of Saint Ailbe By: Abbie Farwell Brown Begins story by providing the background information sets the premise gives detailed setting introduce main character and his predicament  introduce the animal the animal finds the baby reads like a novel provides insight to the wolf's thoughts the wolf becomes the kids mother next character is introduced describes how he comes into the picture sets up the climax of the story... the man takes Ailbe the animal tries to save her foster son from the hunter the wolf mother gives up on saving Ailbe the new mother is introduced main character enters knew home of a castle provides detailed setting of his new home and of the new mother Ailbe begins to grow up into a man describe what he becomes when hes older became a good person main character still thinks of his animal years pass people want to kill the animals ailbe recognizes his animal they both come in contact after many years he protects his wolf moth

Reading Notes: Saints and Animals Part A

Saint Kentigern and the Robin : By: Abbie Farwell Brown begins by introducing the saint introduces their strengths talks about all of his good qualitites introduces problem with the saint introduce the protagonists ideas to bring down the saint the plan is put into motion describe the plan to bring down the saint introduce the setting for the problem write from the saint's perspective on how the problem begins to occur the saint tries to fix the problem the saint starts to come up with ideas to fix the fire the saint brings the fire back to life and fixes the probelm the protagonists realize they have failed in tricking the saint they become even more angry towards the saint they derive another plan to bring him down introduce the animal and his role  the protagonists kill the animal blame the killing on the saint lie and come up with a fake story to frame the saint the saint tries to prove he did not kill the bird the saint brings the bird back to life and p

Feedback Thoughts

I think feedback is a great thing that can help one grow and learn from mistakes. Feedback offers outside opinions different than your own and often feedback helps you see another perspective. It is okay to not do everything perfect all of the time, if that were the case you would never learn and grow. If we never experience failure then it would be impossible for one to learn new things and and have a good mindset. Having a fixed mindset is not good and it can result in someone being stuck with the same intelligence, with little opportunity to learn more. Having a growth mindset sets you up to continue to learn, adapt and excel in the workplace. An environment with a growth mindset mentality is one that will have the most growth. It is important to change your mindset from fixed to growth. Self-doubt is another debilitating state that can leave one going backwards instead of growing and moving forward. It is important to not compare yourself to others, you are as smart as you let your

Topic Brainstorm

Goddesses : I really like the idea of maybe doing my project on different goddesses because I am a big fan of reality TV and I think doing a story that would play off of that would be fun for me. I would probably do something like the housewives and talk about the different goddesses from the different areas and how they are connected. I would be able to talk about their different lives and the different customs they have from their own areas. I would also talk about drama and would connect them to each other. Greek Goddesses : As for the the Greek Goddesses I would like to do something along the lines of the real housewives idea since all of these goddesses are from the same area. Like I mentioned earlier I enjoy reality television so I would come up with different stories for drama among the different goddesses and relate them to each other. I also will be able to talk about Greece and the history of these goddesses and how they came to be. The Man in the Moon : I am someone t