
Showing posts from August, 2018

Reading Notes: Tricksters: Tiger, Brahman and Jackal

Tricksters: Tiger, Brahman and Jackal By: Joseph Jacobs Story opens by starting with the problem introduces two characters at very beginning one character is immediately fooled introduces analogies to the scenario from other characters  outside character joins and meets other two characters jackal begins his plot to trick the tiger other characters do not realize what is occurring... yet the jackal and the tiger go back and forth  the jackal uses his ways to trick the tiger into getting back into the cage the story uses all dialogue to portray the story only three characters feelings of being scared, frightened and confused all happened in the story story ends on happy not no one is betrayed and it ends how it started the outside character is the character who performs the trickery Source : The Tiger, Jackal and the Brahman 

Reading Options

While going through the Untextbook I was truly amazed at all the possibilities there are for me to read. It got me excited to learn about all of the different stories and where they originated. One of the first topics that caught my eye was the section about Native American Hero Tales considering I am from Oklahoma there is a very strong Native American heritage here. I also really enjoy stories about heroes because that means there must be a protagonist, and I love a solid good vs. bad story. Another area that caught my eye was the stories of the Buddha , I have always heard about Buddha but I truly do not know a lot about it so I thought this would be a good way to learn more about the past and present of the Buddha. From what I do know about the Buddha, he is positive and loving and peaceful which are all things good in my opinion. I also looked at The Heptameron stories, this caught my eye because it said she is a Queen and it says it talks about love and gossip and I would be ly

Time Management

I would definitely consider myself a type A person, but I would be lying if I said I did not have my moments of procrastination and poor planning. I think it is very easy to fall victim to the term of "I'll do it later" because of eventually later becomes too late and at that point you are rushing and not doing your best work. One of the things that helps me most is keeping a list of things I have to do each day in my planner. Every day I write in my planner and put down specifically the things I need to accomplish that day. By doing this I do not forget to do something and I can see a total list so I can manage my time throughout the day and get the things done in an appropriate manner. I read " The Psychology of Check Lists " and this helped me determine how to create my checklists in a successful manner. For instance, writing down goals that are attainable that day and reasonable, by being able to complete a goal my brain feels like it did something right. I

Intro to Technology

I am a complete newbie when it comes to the blogging world. So this class is definitely going to push my limits and teach me a lot of what I did not know. I have never blogged before, the closest I ever got to that was posting on canvas. I have already learned a ton more than I knew before so that makes me excited to continue on with this class. I also have never made a website or anything close to it, so I look forward to doing that and making something my own with my own unique twist on it. As for bookmarking, I have done that before but I definitely see the benefit of bookmarking specific sites for this class, as they will be needed in the future. Image editing is something I am not familiar with on the computer but I am eager to learn. I have also never created a graphic before so it is safe to say this class is going to be very new for me but I cannot wait to learn and do it. Source : Funny meme about Wordpress

Intro to Assignments

I am really looking forward to the different assignments in this coming semester for this class. By reading the overview of all the assignments it made me realize that this class is designed to keep me on track and to help me learn the most. I am excited for the storytelling part because I feel like that will be a way for me to express my creativity and show what I have learned so far. I also really enjoy reading so I think this will be fun and I can only imagine how interesting the readings are going to be. For the extra credit I am excited to research and learn more about the Growth Mindset because I thoroughly enjoyed that assignment and learning what the Growth Mindset is and how it can personally effect me. I have never had a class like this before and I am eager to see how it goes.  Source

Growth Mindset

Personally I had never heard of the growth mindset by Carol Dweck, watching these videos and reading the articles was the first time it has been brought to my attention. I would say I fall into the category of people who like to be right and wants to be rewarded when I am right rather then be rewarded for trying to be right. I can be a hyper competitive person so to me not answering or doing something wrong automatically means I have failed. Particularly when it comes to school I can be really hard on myself if I am not doing something correctly rather than focusing on the fact that I am trying to do something much harder and am making progress towards being able to do it. An example of this in my life recently is that I have been trying to learn how to be play golf and it is the most frustrating thing ever. Since I am not doing it perfect and seeing perfect results every time I feel as if I am failing at learning to play. In reality I am making a lot of progress from where I began. I

Introduction to me

My name is Paige Phillips, Im 21 and I am currently a senior here at OU. Im from Tulsa, Oklahoma and I always knew that I wanted to come to OU. I am the youngest of two brothers and I have two amazing parents. I also have a wiener dog named oscar, he is the best dog ever if I do say so myself. My major is criminology with a minor in social justice, I plan on going to law school this next Fall. I love my major and one day I hope to be a prosecutor for the child crisis unit. This past summer I had an internship with a law firm and I absolutely loved it, I am extremely exited for my future career. I am a member of Delta Delta Delta and have made some amazing friends through the greek experience. In my spare time I like to hangout with my friends and occasionally go see movies. In the future I would also like to travel to Greece, it is on my bucket list to go there some day. I think Greece is one of the most beautiful countries. Another fact about me is that I love Chinese food,  it has al

Storybook Favorites

Looking through these stories started to get me excited about this upcoming semester in this class, I know I am going to learn a lot and am eager to do so. There were many stories that caught my eye but here are three that I particularly liked. The Karma Diaries  was one that I specifically liked because I like to think that karma is something that serves its way through life. I am familiar with what karma is but not so much where it is from or what the history is behind it and I want to learn more about that. The introduction made me want to read the further stories about how "Judge Karma" punished or rewarded her people by the actions they had done. The introduction described the premise well and the layout of the page gave an ominous feeling, almost like a mystery to read more and find out what had happened. Overall, the page was well designed and set up so that it was easy for me to navigate. The images within the story helped me to make a mental picture of what the sto

Pagosa Springs.. My Favorite Place

Pagosa Springs, Colorado is a place I have been going to my whole life. Whether it is to snow board, hike or relax, it is my favorite place to be. It is the most beautiful place on Earth and I love being able to travel there. Sunset at Echo Canyon Reservoir  


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